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 Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??

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Lucy B. Watson
Julia G. Hamilton
Edward Skyes
Jesse Stewart
8 participants
Jesse Stewart
I'm a Genius && I Know Everything
Jesse Stewart

Nombre de messages : 25
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Imiloventimiglia
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2009

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: Genius People
° I'm in Love with: Lauren McMahon
° I'm in Relationship with:

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeSam 14 Mar - 0:47


Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Sanstitre146ag3 Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Sanstitre144aw1

[Intelligent, mais ne le montre pas. - rebelle - pense qu'il est supérieur aux autres - bagarreur]

    Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icons1590 Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icons229
    She's my ex-girlfriend. We avoid each other as much as we can.Great relation, huh?!

    Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Ic_pattinson15 Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Rp0411
    He's my front door neighboor and maybe someday my friend.

    Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? 334iv0 Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? 343sh1
    He's in my literrature class. We have some opinions that are the same... I don't hate this guy.

    Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Sanstitre26xa0 Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Sanstitre15vq7
    I've been friends with her for a long time. Now, almost all we do is insult each other.

    Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Img-115048s0svj Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Img-114928zg77j
    I've also been friends with her for a long time. But with her it's : One day, we're having a really great time and the next we fight for nothing.

    Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Kristenstewart4 Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Ksteww23
    That's complicated...

    Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Mini_090126020042360380 Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? 989bzovv
    She's the only one that I see. She's my girlfriend.

    Avouez que vous avez envie de faire partie de la belle petite vie de Jesse Stewart.
    Ben si c'est le cas, demandez le moi!

Dernière édition par Jesse Stewart le Ven 20 Mar - 22:30, édité 4 fois
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Edward Skyes
I'm a Genius && I Know Everything
Edward Skyes

Nombre de messages : 234
Age : 31
Localisation : Londres
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? 24uyvbk
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2009

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: Genius People
° I'm in Love with: Lucy B. Watson
° I'm in Relationship with:

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeSam 14 Mar - 1:02

Mince, me suis gourré..
J'avais pas vu..
Donc ok pour voisins d'en face et ensuite meilleurs potes ?

[Tu piges peut-êtrepas; va voir dans 'Do you wanna a topic' je l'ai noté là :-) ..]
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Jesse Stewart
I'm a Genius && I Know Everything
Jesse Stewart

Nombre de messages : 25
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Imiloventimiglia
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2009

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: Genius People
° I'm in Love with: Lauren McMahon
° I'm in Relationship with:

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeSam 14 Mar - 3:02

xD Ok, ouais. Je comprenais pas trop tantôt, mais là c'est correct.
Euh. Ouais, ouais. On va être voisin d'en face et après meilleurs potes.
Je vais te rajouté.
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Julia G. Hamilton
I'm an Aristocrate && It's My Job
Julia G. Hamilton

Nombre de messages : 14
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? ICONATOR_08999010318a7ff3c0b23179f229c10d
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2009

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Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeSam 14 Mar - 3:37

    MOI JE VEUX! =)
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Lucy B. Watson
I'm an Aristocrate && It's My Job
Lucy B. Watson

Nombre de messages : 265
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? 2264547077_1
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2009

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: Aristocrate People
° I'm in Love with: Edward Skyes .. enfin .. elle en sais plus trop rien
° I'm in Relationship with:

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeSam 14 Mar - 11:37

    Je veux un super extra . mega super lien avec toi <3 !
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Emma S. Windsor
I'm a Royality People && I Serve my Country
Emma S. Windsor

Nombre de messages : 169
Age : 33
Localisation : London
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? ICONATOR_7b3b772f9ea49163baafff88f1451c66
Date d'inscription : 29/06/2007

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: Royalties People
° I'm in Love with: * I love Lucas*
° I'm in Relationship with:

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeSam 14 Mar - 15:30

moi aussi je veux un lien avec toi !!
tu peux choisir lequel si tu veux bien de moi Wink
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Jesse Stewart
I'm a Genius && I Know Everything
Jesse Stewart

Nombre de messages : 25
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Imiloventimiglia
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2009

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: Genius People
° I'm in Love with: Lauren McMahon
° I'm in Relationship with:

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeSam 14 Mar - 17:23

Lucy et Julie :: Quel lien voulez-vous? Parce que j'ai pas vraiment d'idée.

Emma :: Ok.. euh.. Je veux bien de toi, ne t'en fais pas! xD Mais je ne sais pas trop quel lien on pourrait avoir.
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Serena Richi
I'm an Aristocrate && It's My Job
Serena Richi

Nombre de messages : 152
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Iconselenagomezbela28
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2009

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: cute girl
° I'm in Love with: nobody
° I'm in Relationship with:

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeSam 14 Mar - 20:07

Moi je veux un trop bon lien Smile ! mais je sais pas quoi choisir :s
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Lucy B. Watson
I'm an Aristocrate && It's My Job
Lucy B. Watson

Nombre de messages : 265
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? 2264547077_1
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2009

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: Aristocrate People
° I'm in Love with: Edward Skyes .. enfin .. elle en sais plus trop rien
° I'm in Relationship with:

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeSam 14 Mar - 23:23

    Hmm.. Relation Ambigue ?
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Lucas Humphrey
I'm Famous && So Fabulous
Lucas Humphrey

Nombre de messages : 22
Localisation : London
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Cmmkit10
Date d'inscription : 07/03/2009

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: Feamous People !
° I'm in Love with: Emma, she's the woman for me !
° I'm in Relationship with:

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeDim 15 Mar - 0:10

    Oula, tu croules sous les demandes dis moi !!!

    Je fais moi aussi une demande de liens !!!

    Un truc du genre, ils sont voisins en cours de littérature, et partagent une certaine vision des choses commune ...

    Qu'en dis tu ?
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Jesse Stewart
I'm a Genius && I Know Everything
Jesse Stewart

Nombre de messages : 25
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Imiloventimiglia
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2009

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: Genius People
° I'm in Love with: Lauren McMahon
° I'm in Relationship with:

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeDim 15 Mar - 2:13

Lucas :: Ouais, ok. Je te rajoute.

Julia :: Ben, on pourrait être des amis d'enfance qui continuent de se parler, mais dans le fond tout ce qu'ils se disent, c'est des "bitcheries". xD

Serena :: On pourrait être... euh... je sais pas... désolé, vous avez sûrement dû remarquer, je suis vraiment poche pour ces affaires là.

Lucy :: Ouais... ok.
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Emma S. Windsor
I'm a Royality People && I Serve my Country
Emma S. Windsor

Nombre de messages : 169
Age : 33
Localisation : London
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? ICONATOR_7b3b772f9ea49163baafff88f1451c66
Date d'inscription : 29/06/2007

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: Royalties People
° I'm in Love with: * I love Lucas*
° I'm in Relationship with:

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeDim 15 Mar - 14:02

moi je pensais un peu comme pour Julia.
On est des amis d'enfance mais tout ne se passe pas toujours bien. Un jour on peut avoir les plus gros délires et s'entendre à merveille et le lendement, on peut se disputer pour une connerie et ne plus se parler pedant quelques jours.
T'en penses quoi?
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Jesse Stewart
I'm a Genius && I Know Everything
Jesse Stewart

Nombre de messages : 25
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Imiloventimiglia
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2009

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: Genius People
° I'm in Love with: Lauren McMahon
° I'm in Relationship with:

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MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeDim 15 Mar - 17:10

C'est bon. Je vais te rajouter.
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Serena Richi
I'm an Aristocrate && It's My Job
Serena Richi

Nombre de messages : 152
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Iconselenagomezbela28
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2009

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: cute girl
° I'm in Love with: nobody
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MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeDim 15 Mar - 20:29

Sinon il te reste quoi ?
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Lauren McMahon
I'm Rich && I Like This
Lauren McMahon

Nombre de messages : 42
Age : 37
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Gif-hayden4-36b9dd
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2009

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: rich, blond and perfect girl
° I'm in Love with: Jesse Stewart
° I'm in Relationship with:

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeDim 15 Mar - 20:37

Coucou Jess,

c 'es t L auren !!!

je voudrais trop avoir un lien ac toi !!! si on peut se fréquenter plus si affinités... ce serait sympa!!!

bisou bisous


Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Hayden_milo

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Les-premieres-photos-de-couple-d-hayden-panettiere-et-milo-ventimiglia

et surtt...

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Hayden_et_milo
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Jesse Stewart
I'm a Genius && I Know Everything
Jesse Stewart

Nombre de messages : 25
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Imiloventimiglia
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2009

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: Genius People
° I'm in Love with: Lauren McMahon
° I'm in Relationship with:

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeMar 17 Mar - 1:48

Serena :: Ben, je trouve que j'ai pas assez d'ennemies! xD Donc, on pourrait comme pas trop s'aimer.! Si sa te tentes la...

Lauren :: Fréquenter genre, ils sortent ensemble? Ok. ; )
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Lauren McMahon
I'm Rich && I Like This
Lauren McMahon

Nombre de messages : 42
Age : 37
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Gif-hayden4-36b9dd
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2009

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: rich, blond and perfect girl
° I'm in Love with: Jesse Stewart
° I'm in Relationship with:

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeMer 18 Mar - 2:20

Coucou Jesse,

OUI!! Absolument normalement l'histoire va dans ce sens-là, enfin... si tu veux bien... et voilà quoi!! je suis une populaire et ya toujours un couple fait d'une populaire et d'un "Genius" si ça te dis et on crée un Rep d'ici là...
alors qu'est-ce que tu en penses?
Embarassed Embarassed I love you I love you Embarassed Embarassed Very Happy Very Happy

because i'm lost without you
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Jesse Stewart
I'm a Genius && I Know Everything
Jesse Stewart

Nombre de messages : 25
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Imiloventimiglia
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2009

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: Genius People
° I'm in Love with: Lauren McMahon
° I'm in Relationship with:

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeVen 20 Mar - 22:24

Lauren:: Ouais, sûr. Je vais te rajouter dans mes liens! ; )
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Lauren McMahon
I'm Rich && I Like This
Lauren McMahon

Nombre de messages : 42
Age : 37
Picture 100*100 : Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Gif-hayden4-36b9dd
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2009

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: rich, blond and perfect girl
° I'm in Love with: Jesse Stewart
° I'm in Relationship with:

Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitimeDim 22 Mar - 16:32

you're the best

merci encore
sorry de répondre aussi tard
grso bisous!!!!
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MessageSujet: Re: Who wants to be part of Jesse's life??   Who wants to be part of Jesse's life?? Icon_minitime

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