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Blair P. Archibald
    I'm the Beauty Queen

♥ I'm the Beauty Queen
Blair P. Archibald

Nombre de messages : 482
Age : 33
Localisation : Londres
Picture 100*100 : Liste Avatars Gg3110
Date d'inscription : 29/06/2007

• Identity Card •
° I'm a: Famous People
° I'm in Love with: Prince Alexander =)
° I'm in Relationship with:

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MessageSujet: Liste Avatars   Liste Avatars Icon_minitimeMer 17 Déc - 14:06

Avatar Pris

            [A] -
              [A]lexis Bledel - Emma S. Windsor
              [A]mber Heard - Sarah L. McKenzie

            [B] -
              [B]lake Lively - Bridget Humphrey

            [C] -
              [C]hace Crawford - Alexander J. Windsor
              [C]had Michael Murray - Lucas Humphrey





            [H] -
              [H]ayden Panettière - Lauren McMahon
              [H]ilary Duff - Clara J. Hewitt

            [J] -
              [J]érémy Kapone - Maël Sawyer

            [K] -
              [K]eira Knightley - Eleanor J. Buckett
              [K]risten Bell - Mary V. Hewitt
              [K]risten Stewart - Lucy B. Watson
              [K]ristin Kreuk - Lei Yun Echolls

            [L] -
              [L]eighton Meester - Blair P. Archibald

            [M] -
              [M]ichelle Trachtenberg - Julia G. Hamilton
              [M]ilo Ventmiglia - Jesse Stewart



            [P] -
              [P]enn Badgley - Harry D. McKenzie


            [R] -
              [R]achel Bilson - Alice S. Graham
              [R]obert Pattinson - Edward Skyes

            [S] -
              [S]elena Gomez - Serena Richi

            [T] -
              [T]aylor Momsen - Elisabeth L. McKenzie


            [V] -
              [V]anessa Hudgens - Elena B. Waldorf




            [Z] -
              [Z]ac Efron - Zac McPhee

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